Our solution for

DxP Local Government

Revolutionise and enhance how individuals access and utilise the knowledge and services offered by your local government. Unlock simplicity for service requests, application submissions, and much more.

Deliver the right information and services precisely when and where needed, while providing self-service capabilities to empower your community.

DxP Local Government

Business processes in DxP Local Government

Business Processes are the sequence of activities performed to achieve a desired outcome that are supported within TechnologyOne solutions. Business Processes have been grouped into a hierarchical Business Process Framework.

Modules in DxP Local Government

Modules are functional areas within TechnologyOne products, designed to address specific operational needs of an organisation. Providing the necessary tools to manage tasks within their functional areas, modules can be configured to suit the requirements of an organsiation. Seamlessly integrating with other TechnologyOne modules ensure efficient operations across functions.

  • Animal Management
  • Application lodgement and Search 
  • LG DXP Core
  • My Account
  • On a Map (Including DA Tracker) 
  • Payments 
  • Property Search 
Looking for more information? Download the brochure

The SaaS platform you can trust

There has been a 23% increase in cyber attacks since transitioning to remote work. Our global SaaS ERP solution delivers the highest security and privacy measures to keep your data safe.

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