
Enhance the student experience

Underpin future growth by delivering a state-of-the-art student academic experience with self-service capabilities and efficiencies.

Automate manual processes to reduce administrative burden, while enabling your educational institution to streamline enrolments, support overall retention and make the most of your resources.

Streamline management

Manage the complete student lifecycle from recruitment and enrolment through to graduation and beyond with one single application.

Improve the student experience

Increase student satisfaction with personalised support, self-service capabilities and easy access to real-time information on any device, anywhere, at any time.

Reduce costs and save time

Save valuable hours of productivity and free up your staff to better serve your community by automating and eliminating manual processes.

Make data-driven decisions

Gain full visibility of your critical information in one single view, allowing you to make faster, more informed decisions.

Integrated way of working

Seamless integration with your institution’s systems unlocks real-time insights into your data.

Simplified compliance

Make adhering to government and regulatory compliance an easy task using standard workflows and reporting.

Always up-to-date

Your organisation will be at the forefront of innovation with continual and automatic upgrades and releases all covered by one annual fee.

Secure & scalable

A SaaS solution that delivers the highest security and privacy measures and is scalable for future growth. Trusted globally by local government, national governments, higher education providers, authorities and businesses, our stringent cyber security safeguards data and protects your systems.