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36 results found

  • Article
    10 Sep 2021

    Why your fire and rescue service needs digital transformation

    How cloud-based business management systems can help fire & rescue services free up time for frontline staff and deliver savings
  • Article
    25 Jul 2021

    Overcome IT headaches with better document management

    Document management software is essential for finding documents and complying with privacy and recordkeeping requirements. Here are the common challenges.


  • Article
    14 Jul 2021

    Digital transformation challenges facing councils today

    Councils have been quick to respond to the changes wrought by the pandemic, but progress has been far from uniform. Learn more about the challenges faced here.
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    How the government’s adoption of e-invoicing will drive digital transformation across ANZ

    Adoption of e-invoicing is a policy issue as much as it is a technological one. Here's why businesses need to be encouraged and incentivised to trigger adoption
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    What is the outlook for higher education in 2021?

    Discover which three areas higher education institutions must pay attention to in the short- and medium-term in order to compete and thrive in 2021 and beyond.
  • Article
    14 Mar 2021

    Five key considerations when choosing a SaaS document management solution

    The ability to make decisions based on reliable, consolidated data is more likely to save you time and money, and benefit your staff, academics and students.
  • Article
    13 Nov 2020

    5 ways to attract students with fit-for-purpose well maintained facilities

    Explore the five elements you need to consider for an effective and holistic approach to facilities management in higher education.


  • Article
    20 Aug 2020

    Transforming the employee and student experience

    We ask three leading experts from 2 top Australian Universities: What does a superior educational experience look like from the student perspective?
  • Article
    12 Aug 2020

    Top tips to simplify your council's journey to SaaS

    Moving from on premise to SaaS needn't be a complex or lengthy process if you carefully prepare. Explore 5 ways you can simplify your council's transition
  • Article
    12 Aug 2020

    Three ways councils are innovating to meet business unusual

    Scrambling to meet ‘business unusual’ demands has escalated plans for SaaS transition in local government. Discover how here.
  • Article
    12 Aug 2020

    Top tips to prepare your institution for SaaS transition

    Want to make your SaaS transition faster and more seamless? Here are five ways to prepare for your transition in advance.
  • Article
    12 Aug 2020

    Three ways institutions are adapting to the new normal

    Explore the themes we’ve been witnessing, as tertiary institutions have been forced to adapt to massive change.
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